
Friday, August 3, 2018

10 Signs You Really Should Experiment With Another Woman

Lesbianism is definitely out of the closet, both in the media and in real life. In fact, more and more straight women are experimenting with lesbian sex. "Besties with benefits" is actually a trend. What about you? Has it ever crossed your mind? If it has, here are ten signs that you really should experiment with another woman.

1) You fantasize about being with another woman.

If you fantasize about lesbian sex, you're far from alone.Having sex with another is a common female fantasy. Of course, not all fantasies need to be, or even should be fulfilled. However, if it's a frequent fantasy of yours, it may indicate that you're strongly attracted to women.

2) You watch lesbian porn.

Again, you're far from alone. PornHub found that "lesbian" and "lesbians scissoring" were the most popular search terms for women. Watching lesbian porn is a stronger indicator of your sexual attraction to women than merely fantasizing about them. It shows a deliberate effort on your part to become aroused by women having sex with each other. If lesbian porn is a major turn-on for you, actual lesbian sex might be, too.

3) Lesbian romance makes you happy.

Love and sex aren’t always connected, but there is usually some overlap. Do you find yourself sympathizing with the lesbian subplot, possibly even more than the straight main plot? If you actually seek out lesbian TV shows and films, you might be more than a little interested in women romantically.

4) You notice women as much or more than men.

So you weren’t one of the girls in high school drooling over the jocks or putting boy band posters on your wall? Were you working hard in math class instead, hoping the pretty young teacher would pay you special attention? Going about your daily business, our attention is drawn to what we find attractive. If you realize while catching the bus that you’re oblivious to the opposite sex but never fail to notice the gorgeous woman who gets off at the same stop as you, it’s a sign that you are more attracted to women.

5) You’ve wondered more than once whether a woman was flirting with you.

Moving through the crowd to meet your colleagues for a function, you definitely noticed that hot blonde give you the eye. Or did you? When you live in a world of straight people, it can be hard to get around the idea that women dating women is actually a thing. If a woman is giving you the eye or being suggestive, stop wondering if she's flirting with you. Try flirting back!

6) You have “girl crushes."

Virtually every female has had a girl crush at some point. Women often write off their female crushes off as “just a crush." However, if the feelings don’t seem to subside, you may want to consider acting on them.

7) You wonder what it would be like to date a woman.

Most people fantasize about the possibility of sex with their non-preferred-gender from time to time. It’s a normal part of the human experience, and probably explains why so many people experiment with their sexuality but still end up identifying as straight in the end. Of course, if you feel as if you are wondering more than the average woman, your curiosity is going to keep popping up until you explore what it means for you.

8) You have kissed your female friends.

This, of course, isn’t a certain sign. You can enjoy kissing women but not be interested in sleeping with them. There is often a connection, though, and if you’ve kissed your friends and liked it, you also might like having sex with women.

9) You want more emotional intimacy in your relationship.

If you’ve dated men who are emotionally withdrawn but feel that one of the most important things to you in a relationship is the ability to communicate and experience a deep level of intimacy, dating a woman might be for you. One of the bonuses of dating a woman that emotional intimaacy is much more likely to happen and with a lot less effort. Dating a woman can be like having a best friend and a lover all rolled into one.

10) Men haven't been able to do it for you in the bedroom.

If you feel unfulfilled after sex with a male partner, it may mean you’re not truly attracted to males sexually. If you’ve always been in straight relationships, but sex is unsatisfying, it may be that your body just isn’t wired for sparks to fly with a man. As a bonus, lesbian sex is more orgasmic than straight sex for women.

If several of these signs apply to you, you may want to seriously consider experiment with lesbian sex. My article Bi-Curious? What Is Sex With Another Woman Really Like? tells you what to expect if you decide to give it a shot. Also, to make your first time a great time, check out 10 Tips for Great First-Time Lesbian Sex.

My book Lesbian Sex Secrets: How to Have Amazing Sex With Another Woman aims to help bi-curious, bisexual, and lesbian women take their sex lives to another level. To give your lover  the best sex she’s ever had, starting tonight, click here!

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