Friday, April 6, 2018

Women Love Lesbian Porn!

It may be an exaggeration to say that women are either bisexual or lesbian but never straight, but it is safe to say that a majority of women are bi-curious. A study conducted by Boise State University in Idaho found that more than half of women sre sexually attracted to other women and tend to become more so as they get older. Some statistics released by the porn website PornHub seem to back up the results of that study.

PornHub says that the most searched for term by women is lesbian followed by lesbian scissoring. Percentage wise, women  are the most interested in lesbian porn. Lesbian is only in the middle of the list for men.

When women find lesbian porn, they seem to like it. Lesbian porn is also the most viewed category by women. Again, lesbian porn is way down the list for men. Women definitely are the biggest fans of lesbian porn.

So, the evidence are in, and the verdict seems clear: a lot of women are sexually attracted to other women. Women who are bi-curious are not sexually deviant. They're actually quite normal.

What this means in practical terms is that bi-curious women have a good chance of finding another woman to explore lesbian sex with if they want to. Even if a woman is not bisexual or lesbian, she is probably a bit bi-curious. She may well have searched for and viewed lesbian porn. If you flirt with her or make a pass, she will probably not shriek with horror and run away. It's more likely that she will be flattered, intrigued - and maybe even willing to turn your fantasies into reality.

My book Lesbian Sex Secrets: How to Have Amazing Sex With Another Woman aims to help bi-curious, bisexual, and lesbian women take their sex lives to another level. To give your lover  the best sex she’s ever had, starting tonight, click here!

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